The first step to managing allergies is to identify what type of reaction you’re having, whether it is watery eyes, sneezing or difficulty breathing.
Secondly, try to identify the trigger or the situation, which led to the symptoms. Ask a few questions:
- Where did the reaction occur?
- Inside or outside?;
- Were you eating or drinking?;
- Were there any animals or insects near you?;
- Were you wearing something new?;
- Or did you use a new soap or detergent?
A physician can do an allergy test with a variety of common allergens to determine your allergy. Once the allergen has been identified, manage your allergies by following some simple tips:
- Avoid allergens
- Avoid tobacco smoke or other irritants
- Use medication as prescribed
- See a doctor regularly
- Stay healthy
Clear understanding of the disease, and social support in living with it, are very important for the success of asthma therapy. In many countries, associations exist to ensure that asthma sufferers are never alone in their daily battle. Their activities include educational meetings, summer and winter camps to help asthmatics learn how to control their disease whilst engaging in physical activity (e.g. walking, hiking, gymnastics, swimming, canoeing), telephone help lines, etc.
Ask your doctor for the name and address of the association in your area. And take full advantage of the services they offer!
Asthmatics themselves can have considerable control over how often they suffer an attack and how rapidly they recover. It all depends on taking some precautions.